Can a Robbery be a Blessing in Disguise? That depends on You…

That’s a question I asked myself after getting an email from John King Orio; the director of our mission in Uganda Friends of the Heart, (FOTHU) sharing with me how his restaurant in Kampala had been broken into and  many of it’s valuable contents removed.

This is the same tiny establishment that funds John and his wife Driciru’s effort to assist hundreds of men, women and children afflicted with heart disease in the country. John gets no government assistance and very little outside support for his herculean task. Orchid has tried to be a part of his dream to save lives and although we have provided some aid it has been paltry when compared to the need. This year we set up a goal to raise a mere $5000.00 for John and FOTHU but that was before he was robbed. To date we have raised zero.

So how does this robbery then become a blessing? Children are still dying, families are still suffering and now FOTHU has a new struggle to overcome; not just for themselves but for the men,women and children who rely on the tiny sustenance of money the restaurant feeds into the mission.

The answer: Orchid is hoping this event will mobilize enough of you to take a stand against evil and say “no” to it’s aftermath. We’re hoping your heart will see this moment as a reason to help raise the $5000.00 we need to meet our goal today instead of tomorrow and help FOTHU not only support those afflicted with heart disease but also help put them back into business and tell the perpetrators WE WON”T LET YOU WIN!

RIGHT NOW Friends of the Heart needs your help.

They need your donations right away.

They need Roots who will share this story with friends we don’t know Orchid yet but who will make a donation or pitch in another way to show we care.

They need people who can put together a video for Orchid to get on HopMob so we can solicit support from people who have never heard of Orchid or any of it’s missions.

They need ideas.

They need prayers.

They need you!

What can Orchid do to get your heart beating about this campaign?

How can we help you find the joy of involvement?

Let us know and we’ll listen.

Let’s show how we Americans are all about Heart and start raising the money today to make and even exceed the goal of this mission.

Let’s you and me be the blessing and demonstrate HOPE IS THE HEART THAT BEATS INSIDE US.

One of Orchids founders will match every donation dollar for dollar from the proceeds of the sale of his house up to $2500.00. It’s a match from his heart to yours.

Please contact us at to learn how you can keep these hearts in Uganda beating.




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