Are You a Beautiful Dreamer or a Philanthropist?
If you have ever asked yourself “If I could transform the world for good how would I?” then you are a beautiful dreamer.
If you have ever volunteered, offered your expertise, your wealth, or your prayers, to impart and impact a social benefit for transformative change then you are a Philanthropist.
If you are a beautiful dreamer you are only one breath away from enacting and experiencing trans-formative change.
If you are a beautiful dreamer then you are only one heart beat from turning concept into reality.
If you are a beautiful dreamer the joy of philanthropy awaits your open eyes.
If you are a beautiful dreamer why are you still in the dream?
Have you been afraid to awaken to the call for your philanthropy?
What would it take for you to change the dream of imagination into the experience of action; into the joy of Philanthropy?
Ask yourself these questions?
Do I remain in the dream because I do not trust where my gift will go?
Do I remain in the dream because I do not see the end result?
Do I remain in the dream because I don’t think I have the time?
Do I remain in the dream because I am afraid I need all the money?
Do I remain in the dream because no one understands my transformation?
Do I remain in the dream because transformation is too big for me?
Do I remain in the dream because I never connect personally to the transformation?
Do I remain in the dream because no one has ever really asked me to awaken?
If you can answer YES to any of these questions then open your eyes and look for a mission that gives you complete control over your donation and provides a vehicle for 100% discretionary funding.
Reach out to an organization you WANT to trust and ask them the tough questions you want answered. Many foundations welcome the opportunity to share your vision with their mission.
Make a Philanthropy Inventory and determine what you feel you can and want to give away. It it Time, Talent or Treasure?
Find an organization interested in your social transformation.
Find an organization who asks about your dream.
Now Go Live the Adventure only Philanthropy can deliver.