Orchid Donors brew up a storm of support
Orchids of Light sponsors stepped up an bloomed big for the August Micro Brew tour campaign and raised over $14,000.00 as a down payment for the land to build a new youth center in Mwingi, Kenya.
This Center is the dream of Pastor Simon Muvengei and his Shepherd Hood Ministry. Orchids of Light was formed in part as a result of that meeting and officially adopted Shepherd Hood into our portfolio in 2012. Since then Orchid sponsors have helped shepherd over 500 young people back into school and connect with their own spiritual power. Orchid angels have provided the funding necessary to keep the operation on solid footing and have purchased over 200 goats tact as entrepreneurial tool sets children raise and make a small profit from. These primary school students sell the milk and make more goats to sell for food to raise enough money to pay their way through school. All goats are recycled back into an upcoming generation of youngsters once the original owners no longer need them for their education costs. Orchid has also distributed over 5000 adolescent girl’s hygiene products to eliminate the stigma associated with their monthly cycle. In Africa girls will drop out of school during this time of month if they aren’t protected.
Now Shepherd Hood and Orchid are focusing their combined energies on a projected $200,000.00 youth center that will be a self-sufficient beacon of hope to this region that serves over 7 million people. The center will provide Christian stewardship, youth leadership training, an internet portal to free software coding skill education, and volunteer housing to establish mentoring experiences from the west.
The fundraiser held Saturday, August 26Th, introduced fifty philanthropists to the Lancaster Micro-Brew business landscape and generated over $12,000.00 in donations.
It was a win-win for everyone involved including local businesses. The tour made stops at Lancaster, Wacker, Spring House, Mad Chef and Saint Boniface breweries and culminated the afternoon at The Bulls Head tavern in Lititz. Pastor Simon Muvengei was on hand from Kenya to meet the sponsors and the Orchid team. Special thanks go out to all the people who made this initial campaign such a fantastic success.
There is much more to accomplish but thanks to orchid’s of light like you we have broken ground on this life changing campaign.