No “PIT”Y Project

It may come as a surprise but sometimes we need pits in our lives. 

If you live in a country and/or a village where there isn’t a western style sanitation capability you need to dig your own solution. In this case, every school certified by the government of Uganda needs to provide a pit toilet that meets all the best government and sanitation requirements of the country. That’s no small task, even without plumbing. And you need to provide one lavatory for the girls and one lavatory for the boys.

And after you dig the capacity necessary to support the children, with an evacuation option to empty it when required, you need to build the rooms that offer privacy, dignity, and sanitary standards children deserve. All this comes at a cost. $6500.00 to be exact. And that’s x 2. Total: $13000.00 for the school.

The great news is, that thanks to dedicated Orchid sponsors in Australia; who happen to be high school students who raise he money to help their adopted school and friends in Uganda, the funding for the girls lavatory is secured. And thanks to a donor in the United States we have already raised another $3000.00 towards the second unit needed for the boys.

Do you want to do something “PIT”ifully important this year and help put a roof on this second lavatory?

Will you dig in with us and make a difference?

Here at Orchid we’re still at work changing peoples lives for the better. One project at a time. We’ve been doing this since 2012.

Thanks to Orchids like you.

Thank You


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