Where there is a Will there is a Way

Although we have made good progress the Sunrise School dormitory project, it is now at a standstill. We were fortunate that critical donations were received in time to add a layer of waterproofing to the roof and exterior of the first floor, but now we lack the donations to complete the second story, retaining wall […]


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Sunrise Dormitory Phase 4 Progress Update (March 2024)

Our sponsors have made great progress on the Sunrise dream.  Orchid has sent over $30,000.00 in grants to the dormitory project and have completed almost 4 of the 6 stages. We are currently at a standstill on the project and new funds are desperately needed to complete it. Have you been looking for a way […]


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Sunrise Dormitories Phase 1 & 2 Completed

The first phase of the project was completed ahead of schedule. Thanks to dry weather and the tireless energy of the men of the community, the foundation was dug and poured, completely by hand. All by the second of October. Phase 2 began right away and was finished an astounding 2 weeks later! It’s almost unimaginable […]


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Sunrise Dormitories are a Community Affair

When the people of Katungu Village receive the love and donations from donors like you, they come out in force to make their dream a reality. With the first $10,000.00 grant, workers have been hired from the village to do the backbreaking work of leveling the land so the foundation can be laid. No heavy […]


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Sunrise Village Dormitories

WE BELIEVE IN YOU! CHECK  IT OUT…. The building will be a two story structure which shall house girls on the first floor and boys on the ground floor. All together the dormitories will house over 250 students once complete! The plan is to have a phased construction. (a) We first construct first construct the lower […]


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No “PIT”Y Project

It may come as a surprise but sometimes we need pits in our lives.  If you live in a country and/or a village where there isn’t a western style sanitation capability you need to dig your own solution. In this case, every school certified by the government of Uganda needs to provide a pit toilet […]


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The Impossible made Possible

An impossible dream when it started but with God’s grace and the gifts of Orchid sponsors, another miracle occurred. I had all but given up on helping this upgrade project succeed. I was certain it was too ambitious and too expensive. But we scaled back our goal just a little and raised half the money […]


Back to the Future at Shepherd Hood Ministries

There are rock stars in Kenya and some of the stars are like the ones we look at above our heads at night and wonder how they got there. One of those supernovas is Pastor Simon Muvengei.  Or as we call him; “The Miracle in Mwingi”. I first met Simon by God’s invitation in August of 2011. […]

We are Orchids of Light

Six Years of Orchids of Light Miracles

We’ve come a long way in the past six years, and we thought it might be nice to make a video about our progress. We couldn’t have done any of it without your help. Thank you.


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What would you do with 2.3 Million Dollars a Day?

  Reprinted from Len Morris and Media Voices for Children Imagine a sudden windfall. You wake up one morning and have the power to distribute $2.3 million dollars a day in charitable donations in your own hometown. Through your newfound philanthropy, you can help people access health care, feed the hungry, house the homeless, support […]


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