The Impossible made Possible

An impossible dream when it started but with God’s grace and the gifts of Orchid sponsors, another miracle occurred. I had all but given up on helping this upgrade project succeed. I was certain it was too ambitious and too expensive. But we scaled back our goal just a little and raised half the money requested and built 8 of the 16 classrooms originally planned.

No mission requests have been challenged more often by Orchid, than Katungu. The dream of a very young man, Mathew Biryomumeisho, who saw his own life start on this rock plateau in the district of Rubanda Uganda, has never faltered. He has accepted our slow steps in providing support as we observed for seven years his ability to leverage community assets and work on sustainable deliverables. He has faced flooding, family tragedy, drought and the typical odds associated with improving the lives of children who once had no hope for a brighter future. Together Orchid and Matthew have dug latrines, built rain water wells, provided electricity and erected permanent infrastructures to educate the children of Katungu. All of these efforts and more, are today, paying dividends.

Katungu currently educates over 600 children through grade seven. Half are girls and half are orphans.

Raised: $27,000.00

The Timeline: 6 months

Build Time: 6 months

End Result: Nothing short of spectacular

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who helped make this impossible dream a “Dream come True”



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