It’s about You

There are few moments that give a person more joy than being able to share great news with people they love and respect. I can honestly say that for me this is one of those moments. It’s a chance to share personally with you how grateful all the communities of Orchid are for your involvement in their lives. You have indeed changed the world.

Yes, it’s an overused phrase and I wish I could say it better but sometimes you just have to stick with something that says it best and “You have indeed changed the world” does just that. Of course the most important word in that sentence is “You”.

Orchid is not a foundation without you. It has nothing to stand on without you. It performs no positive outcomes without you. It cannot accomplish a single task without you. It has no dream come true flower without you. It has no roots without you.

In ten months You put twenty children through school in Africa, You fed the hungry in Ecuador, You provided heat and hot water to an entire community in Peru, You put women into business in the Andes, You built a community building and secured it with a fence in Colombia, You started a school in India,

You treated three children with heart disease in Uganda, You taught English to boys displaced by war in Nepal, You started to build a volunteer house in the Balkans, You repaired a plumbing system in Quito, You kick started a hospice program in Ethiopia, You equipped a science lab in Kenya, You funded a children’s art program in South America, You helped produce a feature film about child labor, You built sustainable gardens in Bogota and You sent ripples of compassion around the world that are pregnant with consequence.

That’s a lot of “YOU”! Just take a look:

As Orchid completes its first eight months of growth and begins to plan for the garden of 2013 it looks down to its roots and sees the love that props it up, that braces it against the tempests and typhoons of challenge. It sees their strength and commitment to standing firm in the face of uncertain times and committed to the future of generations around the world.

Orchid sees You.

We promise to continue to dedicate 100% of your compassion to where you target it. We promise to deliver the support where it is needed most. We promise to work tirelessly to help Orchid communities become self-sufficient and we promise to work without rest to lighten your burden and grow more roots to stand alongside you.

God Bless and Thank You,
Rich Geisel and
The Orchids of Light


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