Moving and Shaking
October was all about moving; mind, body, soul and physical locations. It was an everyday flat out session with boxes, auctioneers, relocation trucks, hurricanes and misplaced remorse. It was a time where friends stepped in and made sure I was eating and that no bed sheets had been forged into hangman loops. There was no rest except for an occasional late night session where fellowship replaced echoing hollow hallways.
This November is Octobers bedfellow. November is about shaking. Shaking out the cobwebs of October and letting go. Shaking the internet and getting people informed about #GivingTuesday. Shaking back into action for the communities of Orchid. Shaking up the streets of Paris as I prepare for the arrival of my son and shaking up the fear inside me and pouring it out as functional faith. It’s about shaking up the current process and trying something new. It’s about shaking up the message to be more concise and shaking up folks and friends to think about Thanksgiving not only as a time to be grateful for what we have but for the opportunity to share some of it with others less fortunate. It’s a month to shake up my gratitude for all the roots of Orchid who change lives everyday with their ongoing commitment and a time to shake up my own philosophy of life and prepare to be humbled by a new life arriving sometime in December.
Moving an Shaking sure keeps life interesting but it requires non stop lack of control and the alternative, although far more restful just doesn’t seem as appealing. I hope you will join with other Orchid roots and shake up some magic for the two communities Orchid is raising money for and help complete two very worthwhile projects. Let’s keep the momentum moving while we join millions of other Americans moving and shaking part in #GivingTuesday and making this Thanksgiving one the world will never forget!
While your making those amazing moves I’ll just say another thank you for being a Mover and Shaker and a Root of Orchid. You are the bloom that is the Foundation and you are the Movers and Shakers that Transform lives.
M&S Rich