Bob Makes it to St. Jean Pied de Port
Bob writes: I am in St Jean qnd doing well. US Air lost my tube, and will be sending it back to you. Had to buy cheap new pole, towell and IPod charger.
St Jean is unbelievable. I stayed in an albergue, someoneĆ¹s home, that was built in 1610. It looked like it came from 1610, but not too bad. Met lots of nice people starting in Madrid, and had company all along the way. Went to dinner with a group from Spain and one guy from Baltimore. Didn,t understand much of the conversation that was in Spanish: Some spoke a little English, so we got along.
I hope to meet up with Ana this afternoon, and we will start walking tomorrow. They say that the first day takes 10 hrs to walk over the mts. We crossed them in a bus – they are big mountains: Send everyone my love. Love you.
BTW: St Jean is the most beautiful town I!ve ever seen. I/ll keep trying to send pictures.- if I can get IPOD to connect. May be easier in Spain.